Program 2025

On Sunday, May 18, 2025, we will start the conference at 4 p.m. with a welcome party including a sensory meeting in Respirium, building B of the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague.
On Monday, May 19, 2025, registration will take place from 8 a.m. on Novotného lávka, the scientific program will start at 9 a.m.
The program of the symposium could be found in a document Program.

List of plenary lectures 2024

Ondřej Mikeš, SZPI Brno: Výsledky úředních kontrol SZPI 2023 se zaměřením na bezpečnost, jakost a autenticitu.

Martin Kuchař, VŠCHT Praha, Laboratoř forenzní analýzy biologicky aktivních látek: Psychotropní látky v cukrovinkách.

Eva Kudlová, 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze: Vysoce průmyslově zpracované potraviny a rizika jejich konzumace.

Tatiana Bojňanská, Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre: Cereálie ako významný zdroj pre vývoj inovatívnych potravín.

František Kožíšek, SZÚ Praha, Národní referenční centrum pro pitnou vodu: Kvalita pitné vody při výrobě potravin.

Věra Neužil Bunešová, ČZU v Praze: Bifidobakterie jako probiotika ve výživě člověka.

Kamila Zdeňková, S. Lencová a K. Demnerová, VŠCHT Praha a Biotrin z.s.: Bojíte se genů? Fakta a mýty o GMO.

Book of Abstracts 2024

The Book of Abstracts can be found in a document The Book of Abstracts.

Symposium Proceedings 2024

The deadline for submitting full texts to the Proceedings is July 31, 2024. To submit the full text (as an e-mail attachment to, please use the template and instructions located in the section Downloads. Thanks to the authors for following the guidelines. Please, send the full text in MS Word as both DOC and PDF format.    
The full-text proceedings can be found in a document The Full-text Proceedings.

Best poster award

Author of the award-winning poster will receive free entry to the next year symposium. The winner will be announced at the end of the conference.
All symposium participants have the opportunity to evaluate poster presentations. When evaluating posters, the following criteria must be adhered to in particular:
   a) professional level (chemical description, discussion of results, presentation in context)
   b) originality of the presented results
   c) comprehensibility of the data presented
   d) scientific significance for the field of food industry
   e) formal correctness (chemometrics, text clarity, graphic processing, etc.)
   f) participation of the author in the discussion during the poster section.


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